24 Jul

If you are preparing to put your house on the market, you want to get the highest value possible. Everyone thinks their house is perfect, understandably! Your home is near and dear to your heart. You have put in a lot of TLC and has customized it to your taste and needs. The reality is - it is not what everyone needs. I have seen people list their homes at high prices, but have neglected some easy renovations that will put more money in their wallets.

Here are some quick and low cost ways to prep your house to sell quick:

1) Painting:

A fresh coat of paint can go a long way and completely transform a room. Wear and tear catches a potential buyer's eye and they automatically see work they need to put in and can distract from the potential. 

Those bold colors can make a room darker or prevent someone from envisioning their own furniture in that space. Painting the rooms with neutrals provides a softer prospective, brightens a room, and the reflections of light can actually make a room appear larger. 

Don't stop at the walls! The cabinets can likely use a touch up too. Clean up those food splatters from cooking and eating, prime and paint white to brighten the kitchen.

2) Lighting:

Putting up some new light fixtures is a quick way to make an old house have that modern look. Throw in some daylight light bulbs to really brighten up the place. This can make a HUGE difference in those dark rooms with less windows. If you really need to keep your costs down there are battery powered fixtures that can provide a more temporary fix to achieve the same goal while you are showing the property.

3) Remove The Old :

Replacing old faucets, drains, door knobs, hinges, cabinet handles, etc. are all quick and easy ways to spruce up the place.  The lime, rust, and calcium is not a good look. Seeing that shine catches a prospective buyer's eye.

4) Landscaping

Throwing some fresh mulch in the garden and edging the beds is a great way to attract buyers. Removing the old or broken pavers can maximize the entry experience. Often times buyers and realtors drive through the neighborhood and check out the exterior of the house on the way. Having a fresh new look outside can reel those buyers in to see more. 

Follow these tips and see your house transform. Good luck!

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